What Do Hamsters Eat? A Comprehensive Guide
When I first got my hamster, I had so many questions about what he could and couldn’t eat. Through trial and error, advice from vets, and tips from other hamster enthusiasts, I’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to help you understand what to feed your hamster, what to avoid, and how to ensure they have a balanced diet.
What Can Hamsters Eat?
First off, hamsters are omnivores, which means they can eat a variety of foods, including plant-based foods, grains, meat, and even insects. This applies to all types of hamsters, whether they are Syrian, Robo, Campbell, or Chinese.
If you look at a box of hamster feed, you’ll usually see grains, seeds, and vitamin pellets. However, if you check the ingredients, you might also find protein sources like chicken, fish, beef, or shrimp. You can either provide an omnivorous diet yourself or opt for a pre-made mix that lasts several weeks.
What Hamsters Should Never Eat
Hamsters should avoid acidic foods and several other items that can upset their stomachs or be toxic. Here are some foods your hamster should never eat:
- Citrus fruits: Lemons, oranges, grapefruits, etc.
- Tomatoes: All parts are acidic and can be harmful.
- Chocolate: Can cause diabetes and other health issues.
- Fruit seeds and peels: Especially from apples, grapes, strawberries.
- Onions, garlic, peppers: These can upset your hamster's stomach.
- High-fat foods: Fatty meats or certain dairy products.
- Unwashed fruits/vegetables: Always wash produce before feeding.
- Rhubarb: Highly toxic to hamsters.
- Almonds and apricot pits: These can be highly toxic.
- Stringy or fibrous foods: Celery, cabbage.
- Added sugar or salt: Avoid foods with these additives.
- Raw potatoes or beans: Can be harmful if not cooked properly.
These foods should be avoided as they can cause serious health issues or even be fatal to your hamster.
Protein Foods Your Hamster Can Eat
Hamsters need protein, and it doesn’t have to be soy-based. Here are some safe protein options:
- Boiled egg white: A favorite for many hamsters.
- Boiled, unseasoned chicken or turkey: Provide small pieces that can be eaten quickly.
- Mealworms: Some hamsters enjoy these as treats, but don’t overdo it.
Teddy’s Tip: If you feed your hamster meat or eggs, make sure they are cooked and unseasoned. Never feed raw meat or eggs.
Dairy can also be a protein source, but keep it minimal. A peanut-sized piece of cheese once a week is sufficient.
Vegetables and Legumes Your Hamster Can Eat
Most vegetables are safe for hamsters, but some legumes should be avoided due to their high fiber content. Here are some hamster-friendly vegetables:
- Leafy greens: Spinach, watercress, lettuce, kale.
- Cucumber and zucchini: Hydrating and safe.
- Carrots: Safe for most hamsters, but limit intake for dwarf breeds due to sugar content.
- Sweet potato: Cooked and in moderation.
- Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower: Cooked vegetables are easier to digest.
Avoid legumes like lentils, beans, peas, and chickpeas, as they can upset your hamster's digestive system.
Hamsters Can Eat Pasta and Bread Too!
Hamsters can eat small amounts of pasta, bread, and other carbohydrates. However, these should be limited to avoid overloading them with carbs. Here are some examples:
- Whole grain or multi-cereal bread: Avoid bread with added sugar or high salt content.
- Dry grains: Most types are safe.
- Cooked brown rice: Unseasoned.
- Cooked wholegrain pasta: Avoid white pasta as it can be too sticky.
- Corn flakes, oat flakes: Simple and safe.
- Unsalted, unsweetened crackers: Small pieces only.
Nuts and Seeds Your Hamster Can Eat
Nuts and seeds are great for hamsters, but they should be given in moderation due to their high-fat content. Here’s what’s safe:
- Sunflower and pumpkin seeds: With or without the shell.
- Peanuts and hazelnuts: Unsalted, plain, and without the shell.
- Walnuts and chestnuts: Cooked and plain.
- Sesame seeds: Safe in small amounts.
Teddy’s Tip: Stay away from almonds as they are toxic to hamsters.
Fruits Your Hamster Can Eat
Most fruits are safe for hamsters, but some should be avoided. Here are some safe options:
- Apple and pear: Peeled and cored.
- Strawberries: Remove seeds before feeding.
- Banana: In very small amounts.
- Grapes: Peeled and seedless.
- Dried dates and figs: In moderation.
- Raisins, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries: Safe in small amounts.
- Cherries: Seedless and peeled.
Avoid citrus fruits entirely, as they contain oils that are toxic to hamsters.
How Much Does a Hamster Eat?
Knowing what to feed your hamster is important, but knowing how much to feed them is equally crucial. Typically, 2 teaspoons of dry food are enough for an adult Syrian hamster, while dwarf hamsters need less, about 1 teaspoon.
Remember, hamsters hoard food, so if you don’t see food after feeding, it’s likely stored in their hideout. Avoid overfeeding, as obesity can lead to health problems.
What to Do If Your Hamster Is Not Eating
If your hamster isn’t eating, it could be due to pickiness or illness. Try varying their diet with different vegetables, proteins, or fruits. If they refuse all food, consult a vet, especially if you notice other signs of illness.
I hope this guide helps you understand what we hamsters can and cannot eat. It’s important to feed us responsibly and ensure we have a balanced diet. If you’re ever unsure about a food, it’s better to skip it and keep us safe.
For more information on hamster care, including the best bedding, why we sometimes eat our own poop, or why we get scared, check out the other articles.